My first app is on the Market!
It can be installed to ANY Android smartphone or tablet device by opening the Android Market and searching for Breast Feeding Tabulator! Or scan this QR code with a barcode scanner:
I wrote it for my wife for our new baby boy! Now, I’ve made it available on the market for FREE!! Enjoy! Leave me some feedback! 🙂
Version 1.3 has just been uploaded to the market! Check for the list of changes!
BIG NEWS! The app has just reached 500 downloads! This is so exciting!
Version 1.3.2 has just been released! I updated the statistics page in the app and reworked the import/export feature, its sooo much better now!!
Also, the app has passed 1000 downloads!
Here is a screenshot of the statistics page:

Version 1.3.3 was just released the other day to fix an AM/PM issue that was making the list appear out of order.
Version 1.4 is just released!
-Fixed an issue where an item would appear out of order in some cases.
-Corrected some database issues. If you’re upgrading, let the db upgrade complete when it prompts you 🙂
Version 1.4.1 Released!
Several bugs have been address!
-Fixed a bug that would cause an entire group to be deleted when a note was edited
-Fixed a crash error when the minutes box was accidentally empty or invalid
-Fixed a bug when the New Feeding Group page loaded and occasionally crashed. BIG thanks to those who sent the bug reports 🙂
Also, I’m happy to say we have over 2000 downloads now! Hope you are all finding it useful! 🙂
Version 1.4.2 Released!
QuickFix: FIxed a crash error if the baby’s name contained an apostrophe (‘)
Thank you for reporting errors 🙂
Very exciting! The app has just hit 5000 downloads!
A couple days ago I released version 1.5. I’ve added several requested features and more data to the statistics page.